“The Bruce Trail is guided by the painted white “Blazes” that indicate which way to go on the trail. Keep straight, or veer left, or veer right. I thought this was kind of interesting as humans before us have cleared the path and showed us the WAY. What’s neat is that with this @medadotorg Nigeria WAY project, our goal is to show the WAY to education, to sustainable employment and to empower Nigerian women. A bit cathartic and inspiring how humans rely on each other and can empower each other by sharing knowledge, guidance, caring and showing each  other the WAY. While I wasn’t able to complete the hike in it’s entirety, I’m so proud of these women and men for taking what they’ve learned from others to empower many more and to show them the WAY. This hike was not just a walk in the woods. This was a grueling hike with tons of elevation changes and obstacles. I’m so incredibly proud of these amazing people that we get to work with everyday and who are making a difference in the lives of the Residents and Families we serve as well as selflessly making a difference for people in less fortunate areas of the world. You are all AMAZING and I am so proud of you all! Congratulations on blazing the path for those who need to find the WAY!”

Kyle Donovan – VP Seasons Care @ Bruce Trail

To learn more visit: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/meda/p2p/womenwalkingtogrow/